MSC200266: How to subscribe to knowledge base articles


Subscribing to an individual article

In this example, we will subscribe to a particular RaySuite general article, by first pressing the RaySuite tile in order to expand it, and then selecting General category: 

Next, an article is chosen from the available list: 

At the top of the article there is a [Follow] button.  Pressing this button automatically associates the email that was used to log into the Help Center with this article, and changes the button name to [Unfollow]: 

Pressing the [Unfollow] button unsubscribes you from this article. 



Subscribing to an article category

In this example we will subscribe to all existing and newly created articles pertaining to the RaySuite genral category, by first displaying all article categories available for the RaySuite product by selecting its hyper-link path: 

Next, select the General category: 

Pressing the [Follow] button displays the following two options to choose from: 

Selecting one of those options automatically associates the email that was used to log into the Help Center with this article group, and changes the button name to [Following]:  

To unsubscribe from an article category, choose the 'Unfollow' option. 




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