RFL200256: RayFlowClient File Header Datafield Names

In order to benefit from the RayFlowClient's built-in feature that gathers certain file header attributes from EXE & MSI files in order to populate their related datafields, the following text datafield names must be used (minus their encapsulating single quotes). 


For EXE Files:- 



'Manufacturer' - The Copyright attribute value is used. 

'Product Name' or 'ProductName'

'Product Version' or 'ProductVersion'



For MSI Files:- 

'Manufacturer' - The Authors attribute value is used. 

'Product Name' or 'ProductName'

'Product Version' or 'ProductVersion'




Packaging project implementation:-

Rename the following existing text datafields:
 'Application name' should be 'Product Name' or 'ProductName'.
 'Application version' should be 'Product Version' or 'ProductVersion'.
 'Application vendor' should be 'Manufacturer'.

Create the following new text datafields:
 'FileVersion' - As sometimes the file & product versions are different.
 'Language' - As auto-population does not work with a drop-down datafield. The existing 'Application language' drop-down datafield should be kept though.



Datafield Descriptions:- 

The following descriptions could be added to those datafields: 

FileVersion & Language = Can be auto-populated by the RayFlowClient from EXE files. 

Manufacturer = Can be auto-populated by the RayFlowClient from EXE files (Copyright) and MSI files (Authors). 

Product Name / ProductName, Product Version / ProductVersion & Size = Can be auto-populated by the RayFlowClient from EXE and MSI files. 





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