RMS200238: Fixing Visual Issues in Reporting Using the Compatibility Mode in the Internet Explorer

In the IE there may occur some visual problems when using reporting.

An example for Reports with visual issues:


The same example without the visual issues:


This issue is caused, because the compatibility mode in IE needs to be activated in order to be able to see diagrams (OfficeWebControl).

The compatibility mode in IE can be found in the “Settings” under “Compatibility View Settings”. In order to solve this the RMS Reports Server needs to be added to the list of websites.

This can be done by executing the following steps:

  • Open the “Settings” context menu by left-clicking the cogwheel icon in the IE.
  • Select the “Compatibility View Settings” option.
  • The window shown in the screenshot below will now open with the current website already filled into the “Add this website” field.
  • Add the RMS Reports Server to the list by clicking on the “Add” button.



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